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Local place plan


We have collected important pieces of useful information on the topic of Local Place Plans. To make it easier for you to digest the subjects we have divided them into sections.

The sections include:

  1. What is a Local Place Plan?

  2. What is OUR Local Place Plan? - Because We Say So!

  3. What We Plan To do?

  4. Further Reading


What is a Local Place Plan?

Put simply, a Local Place Plan is a list of priorities set by local people for what they need and want in their neighbourhood.

Reform of the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 included the opportunity for communities in Scotland to develop Local Place Plans, which are a new proposed model for development plans to be co-produced or community-led.

Local Place Plans are a community-led document for everything communities need or want in their neighbourhoods to improve quality of life, health, and wellbeing. And local authorities and other service providers are required by law to use our Local Place Plans when they themselves want to do any work in the area. 


  • They give legal support to communities and are the first serious move (post Community Empowerment Act) to move beyond lip service, consultation based community development.


  • Local authorities must include them when Local Development Strategies (and similar plans) are devised.


  • Land developers must refer to them when submitting plans for new housing/commercial/industrial etc developments.


  • They have the potential to stop the displacement of local people and the shops and services that local people use when big developers move in to gentrify a neighbourhood.


What is OUR Local Place Plan?

KPC will use their role as a community anchor organisation to support local people to form a Local Place Plan called Because We Say So!

The geographical areas of the local place plan include Tradeston,Kingston, Plantation, Kinning Park, Ibrox and Cessnock

KPC is firmly committed to building power through knowledge, skills and capacity building within our neighbourhoods and their communities.

The purpose of the Local Place Plan is to flip the switch on the planning system rather than a local authority deciding what is needed within communities, local people are better placed to identify local needs, as the experts who live in these communities.

Our aim is to set up a local network to co-produce a community-led plan for local development to achieve the quality of neighbourhoods and communities that local people want and deserve.

In summary LPPs have enormous potential to build community power, skills and knowledge, and capacity for our communities. And this too will transform our neighbourhoods.


The Local Place Plan includes the neighbourhoods of:












Through community engagement, individuals and groups from within the communities  have identified their own needs. They know what is missing, they know what exists, and they know what they want. The community-led document will be community-owned but shared with parties that help with its delivery, as the community sees fit. The community-led document is also where ideas are stored that may not seem possible in the next 5-10 year period but may become possible as things change.

The/Our Community-influenced Local Place Plan can include lots of different projects, large and small.

Some will require the local authority to carry out, some we will need to find funds and other professionals and contractors to carry out, and some that we will carry out ourselves.


The point is Our Community-influenced Local Place Plan will put our local communities in the best position to achieve the goals they themselves have set for our local area.



Our Community-influenced Local Place Plan

Community-influenced plans can include everything from litter, bins, dog fouling, and parking, through to supporting new and existing groups, activities, community spaces and cultural events right up to large-scale projects that change how an area is used entirely.

Importantly, it must give voice to everybody, especially those among us whose voice is often not heard, and even when it is, it is too often ignored. These are the voices often struggling under the complications of poverty and/or disadvantage.

Some ideas may include (as examples):

  • Making our neighbourhoods safer and cleaner eg. Solutions for littering/dumping and street lighting issues across the area (low level).


  • Making our neighbourhoods more livable eg. Identifying what services and facilities, groups, activities and projects we want and need within our area, and supporting them to get established, networked, and maintained to support the health, wellbeing, learning, and development of our local people (low/medium level).


  • Making our neighbourhoods more connected and usable eg. Linking up walking, wheeling and cycling routes to parks and other places to support local travel and local economy, while at the same time making paths and pavements safe and usable for children and other people who struggle to get around easily (medium level).


Further Reading

Here are some links to material that we have found useful and has informed our position and methodology:


This is the SCDC's excellent critique and guidance on LPPs (this helped me enormously):

This is a good briefing on Local Place Plans and their potential to ‘flip the system’

This is a decent brief overview from Planning Aid Scotland (a bit dry and quite top-downy but making an attempt towards community-led planning):

This is a useful guide and case study from Renfrewshire for implementing a modest LPP:


The Place Standard tool provides a simple framework to structure conversations about place. It allows you to think about the physical elements of a place (for example its buildings, spaces, and transport links) as well as the social aspects (for example whether people feel they have a say in decision making).
The tool provides prompts for discussions, allowing you to consider all the elements of a place in a methodical way. The tool pinpoints the assets of a place as well as areas where a place could improve.

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